Sunday, February 1, 2015

Concept Map: The Writing Process

It is important for students to understand all of the stages of the Writing Process before they begin a piece of writing. There are 5 steps to the Writing Process:

  1. Pre-writing: In this stage, students and writers brainstorm different ideas that they want to include in their writing. Many writers organize their thoughts by creating concept maps, outlines, or other forms of graphic organizers.
  2. Writing: Now that your thoughts have been organized, it is time to begin writing your first rough draft, (depending on the class, teacher, or writer, several rough drafts may be written before the final product is published). During this time, it is important that you do not focus too much on the mechanics or grammar errors of your piece. You will take care of those later.
  3. Revision: Some writers use this stage to conduct an A.R.R.R. survey. They Add, Rearrange, Remove, and Replace words and details in the piece.
  4. Editing: It's time to proofread your writing!! Be sure to carefully check your paper for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  5. Publishing: Your paper is ready for publication!!

Here is a Concept Map that illustrates the Writing Process:

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