Thursday, January 27, 2011

My World

I am a total Florida girl. I was born in Orange Park and raised in Jacksonville, where I have lived for my entire life. With this being said, I have seen my fair share of the Sunshine State. I have always wanted to keep the planet clean, and I do whatever I can to keep it that way. Once, when I was in second grade, my friends and I noticed how dirty the playground was. We spent our entire recess period picking up as much trash as we possibly could so it would look better. The other students thought we were being stupid and that we should have left all of the garbage. All of the teachers, however, were proud of our efforts and applauded our determination for having a cleaner school. It made me feel really good about myself as well. Even today, I have maintained my efforts of having a cleaner environment. I believe that I have made a difference in the world, one small step at a time. Would anyone care to join me?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Building Sustainability

My main concern for the environment is that we do not have enough resources, and the ones we do have are quickly diminishing away. While we are trying to make an effort to conserve our world for future generations, we seem to be making very slow progress in this matter. Our planet is constantly changing, which makes it more difficult for us to keep up with the changes in our environment. Clean water and energy are probably two of our most precious resources that we just don't seem to have enough of.

Now here are a few questions for you, my dear reader. What have you been doing to protect the Earth? Do you recycle often? What kind of car do you drive, and how good is its mileage? If you could provide one of our most precious resources to someone in need, and you could make it last a long time, which one would you choose? Why would you choose that resource?

As I stated in my previous post, I try to do everything I possibly can to protect our environment. My family and I recycle at home, and I do the same at school whenever possible. I don't usually take long showers, and I leave the water off when I am brushing my teeth. It might not help right away, but I believe that every little bit helps. It's better than not doing anything at all.

I plan on continuing my current efforts to conserve the planet. It is the only one we have, so we need to do whatever it takes to make it a cleaner world for ourselves, our children, and the children to come.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What does Sustainability mean?

According to Wikipedia, the term, "sustainability" is the capacity to endure. This word is used most often when one is describing ecology and the enviornment. Everyone has their own ideas about conserving our most precious resources, such as water and energy, but we can do a lot more to protect our world for future generations. I am a fond believer that if we each do our part, we can help shape our planet and make it a better place to live. By taking small steps today, we can make big changes for tomorrow.

My family and I try to do whatever we can to conserve our Earth's most valuable resources. We recycle our aluminum soda cans and sell them to a recycling plant on Normandy Boulevard. We usually get about 45 cents for every pound of soda cans we sell to the plant. Recently, we have started using s.f.l. lightbulbs in our homes, which last longer than regular bulbs. We also try to turn off lights whenever we leave the room. When it comes to transportation, we usually take my mom's car when we travel or run errands around town, so that my grandparents don't have to take their truck too. This is normally not a problem, because there are only 5 of us, but every now and then we will have my cousins and my aunt, so we have to take more than one vehicle. My mom takes me to school a few days a week, and drops me off on her way to work. Then, I take the city bus home in the afternoons. As you can see, I am very passionate about helping our planet!